Huffington Magazine Issue 32 | Page 27

Voices film the “Move Your Body” dance number for the same reason Pepsi recruited her — she’s a huge influence on her young fans, including millions in the African American and Hispanic communities where children suffer disproportionately from diabetes and obesity. Too bad there wasn’t a conversation between the First Lady and Beyoncé during negotiations between Pepsi and Beyoncé’s “team.” Then came the $50 million sponsorship announcement, the widely released photo of Beyoncé in short shorts (really short) pushing a shopping cart filled with sugary soda. One can of soda consumed per day increases the likelihood of a child becoming obese by 60 percent. Apparently, Beyoncé wants us to buy them by the cartful. Maybe she’s second guessing this decision right about now. Perhaps while lulling her new baby to sleep she watched her friend Oprah’s Master Class special this past week. In it, Maya Angelou entreated us all, “sista, you know what’s right. Right may not be expedient, it may not be profitable, it’s not always easy, but it will satisfy your soul. Live your life in a way you will not regret.” LAURIE DAVID HUFFINGTON 01.20.13 Angelou urged us to “pick up the battle and make it a better world.” Oprah herself concluded we all must “just do right. That might mean being honest even when it’s hard.” Shilling soda to an already sick nation surely doesn’t fit that prescription. We’ve got to stop acting as if it’s OK to advertise jun