Huffington Magazine Issue 32 | Page 24

Voices PAUL BRANDEIS RAUSHENBUSH HUFFINGTON 01.20.13 Northwestern High students and supporters stage a counter-protest to Westboro’s. NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Thank You, Westboro Baptist Church! NOTHING GETS PEOPLE more riled up, on and offline, than a small church comprised largely of one family that calls itself the Westboro Baptist Church. I first heard of the church when I saw The Laramie Project on stage about 12 years ago. The theater performace is a moving portrayal of Laramie’s reaction to the murder of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man who was beaten, tied to a post and left to die in a field near Laramie, Wyoming. The Westboro church made an appearance at the end of the show, and in real life, to protest Shepard’s funeral with signs declaring he was going