Huffington Magazine Issue 31 | Page 8

Enter 5 POINTERS WATCH OUT, DONALD Donald Trump may want to avoid making waves as we settle in to the new year. NBC chief Bob Greenblatt took a moment at the Television Critics Association press tour to address the Apprentice star, saying the network would be watching him. “He has his political belief system but I really don’t think what he’s doing in his personal life is going to corrupt what he’s doing on the show,” Greenblatt said. “That said, if he becomes somehow hurtful or says or does things that cross a line, we would figure out what to do about that.” STUDENT SUSPENDED OVER … WHAT? 6 FROM TOP: AP PHOTO/DAVID J. PHILLIP; AP PHOTO/PAUL SAKUMA HUFFINGTON 01.13.13 An eighth grader in Vietnam has been suspended for a year because of a Facebook post, the AP reported. The student, who posted a parody of a speech by revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh, said it was “just for fun.” She joked about never taking tests again and included language from one of the leader’s speeches about resisting French rule, according to statecontrolled media. THAT’S VIRAL % H)Q-L