volume and speed at which readers
can demand and absorb imagery.
This has been a year of momentous events. A U.S. president has
been re-elected following the most
expensive campaign ever; financial crisis has blighted economies
across the globe; war has raged
unabated in the Middle East;
Hurricane Sandy causes massive
flooding across the Atlantic seaboard; and London played host to
the world for the 2012 Olympics.
Our photographers have again
been at the very heart of the ac-
tion, capturing the decisive moments as well as the emotion, the
atmosphere, and, most importantly, the story.
As this book attests, we are fortunate to work with outstanding
photographers who excel in their
chosen genres. We also acknowledge and thank those who work
behind the scenes, the unsung
heroes: the desk staff, photo editors and technicians who ensure
that our imagery reaches the enduser in a shape and time to make a
difference. They bring the stories
we tell and events we document to
life, and it’s a responsibility we do not take lightly.
explode over
the stadium
during the
Ceremony of
the London
Games on
Aug. 12.