Huffington Magazine Issue 21 | Page 34

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL BIRMINGHAM VIA GETTY IMAGES; GETTY IMAGES; GREG WOOD/AFP/GETTY IMAGES; BRENDAN HOFFMAN/GETTY IMAGES Voices QUOTED “When she fell, the world stood. She will rise again, she will stand again. She can stand now.” HUFFINGTON 11.04.12 “And yet, France has a lower rate of abortion compared to the States. They also enjoy lower teenage pregnancies which means less welfare and assistance for young mothers and their children.” — HuffPost commenter arschenhaller on a French bill to make abortions free — Ziauddin Yousufzai on his daughter Malala Yousufzai’s recovery after being shot by the Taliban, according to the AP I am not worried at this point about the impact on the election. I am worried about the impact on families. I am worried about the impact on our first responders. I am worried about the impact on our economy and on transportation. — President Obama on Monday as Sandy approached the East Coast “Nothing like spending a whole lot of money to have sex with somebody who doesn’t know how to have sex.” — HuffPost commenter Franklin1776 on a Brazilian woman selling her virginity for $780,000