Huffington Magazine Issue 21 | Page 25

Voices HOWARD FINEMAN HUFFINGTON 11.04.12 Race to the Bottom I HAD MY FIRST SIT-DOWN with Barack Obama in his Senate office. The sun was streaming in. He came around from behind his desk with that beaming smile, his tie loosened. He sat in a deep chair, his feet up on the coffee table. I was taken with his confidence, talent, grasp of the issues and buoyant charm: the real deal. That was early in 2007. Later that year I sat down with Mitt Romney on the Republican primary-season campaign trail. I had interviewed him years earlier, at his suburban Boston home. He hadn’t changed a bit: chilly smile, ILLUSTRATION BY LESLIE HERMAN wary but gracious, well-informed, a mix of a steely mind, ferocious ambition and earnest Mormon good will: a class act. Today I ask: Where did those two men go? Or were they mirages? The way both have campaigned this year makes me wonder. Is there something about the Howard Fineman is the editorial director of the Huffington Post Media Group