Huffington Magazine Issue 2 | Page 36

Voices QUOTED “Rodney King was the only person I’ve ever seen come out of a race-related incident with a voice of reason.” HUFFINGTON 06.24.12 “To all of you who like to cry foul over ‘socialism’: Please note that the Bush Wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) have been the largest redistribution of wealth program ever. Close to $8 trillion from the US Treasury transferred to corporations and defense contractors.” — HuffPost commentor humuhumunukunukuapua AP PHOTO/MATT SAYLES (KING); AP PHOTO/PHIL MCCARTEN (SHEEN) — HuffPost commentor Alex0393 How has ‘stop and frisk’ not been ruled unconstitutional? — HuffPost commentor mariusvinchi “Well, I’m hoping... I think it’s a tough sell.” — Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe on whether Obama’s efforts to blame George W. Bush for the economy will work “This is my swan song... There’s a lot more out there to do than make-believe, you know?” — Charlie Sheen to The New York Times about his upcoming TV series Anger Management