Huffington Magazine Issue 19 | Page 30

Voices KETTERINGHAM & MENDENHALL HUFFINGTON 10.21.12 Some Pro-Pot Parents Blog, Others Lose Their Children RECENTLY, The New York Times published an op-ed by an art dealer and father from San Francisco titled “Pot for Parents.” It was just the latest in a growing number of pieces published espousing the benefits of marijuana use for parents. These pro-pot missives share a carefree and cavalier tone, portraying marijuana use as an upscale diversion that ameliorates stress and leads to more patience and creative parenting. The “best part” of marijuana use, the “Pot for Parents” author writes, “is an amazing off-label benefit I call Parental Attention Surplus Syndrome”: the ability to perform obligatory paren- ILLUSTRATION BY KYLE T. WEBSTER tal duties with genuine enthusiasm after using marijuana. Whatever benefits marijuana use may or may not have for parenting, to those of us who represent parents in New York City’s Family Courts, these articles only highlight a daily reality: when it comes to drug use, there are very different rules for poor parents, and particularly poor parents of color. The disproportionate and devastating impact of the drug war on poor communities of color, in terms of Emma S. Ketteringham is the managing attorney and Mary Anne Mendenhall is a staff attorney at The Bronx Defenders, Family Defense Practice