Huffington Magazine Issue 19 | Page 3

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR HUFFINGTON 10.21.12 The People Still Left Behind N THIS WEEK’S Huffington, Tom Zeller puts the spotlight on what he rightly calls a “national disgrace”: the grinding poverty that plagues rural communities throughout America, especially among minorities. The numbers are staggering: 46 million Americans now live below the poverty line, nearly 60 percent of them minorities; the poverty rate among children in rural areas is about 27 percent (up 6 percent since 2000)—their struggles and suffering not touching our country’s moral consciousness. In a desolate trailer park outside Laredo, Texas, Zeller meets Elia De La O and her husband, ART STREIBER I Rogelio—legal immigrants who came from Mexico more than a dozen years ago. Their trailer has electricity but lacks running water; for this they must travel miles to a county-run spigot that dispenses barely-drinkable water, or else a water vendor in Laredo. As Elia puts it, the conditions are far from her vision of the American Dream when she was living in Mexico: “We didn’t think when we came here that we would live like kings, but we didn’t imagine there would be places like this.” Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook