Huffington Magazine Issue 19 | Page 20

DATA Enter SOURCES: U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, US CENSUS BUREAU, FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY, POLITIFACT, THINK PROGRESS Massachusetts Economy Under Romney HUFFINGTON 10.21.12 Despite what politicians might claim during good times and deny during bad, no one individual is responsible for the ebbs and flows of the overall economy. But as Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has made his economic record as governor of Massachusetts a centerpiece of his campaign, it’s well worth taking a look at the raw numbers. Below, Huffington has charted several key economic indicators in Massachusetts and nine other states with similar size populations from 2002, the year before Romney became governor, to 2007, the year he left office. — John Stephens WA 7% 6% TN MA IN 5% MO WI MN 4% AZ 3% 2% 2002 U NEMPLOYMENT MD UNEMPLOYMENT Under Gov. Romney, Massachusetts unemployment was nearly unchanged between 2002, the year before he took office, and when he left. 2003 STATE DEBT 2004 MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME TAP THE CATEGORIES VA 2005 MEDIAN HOME PRICES 2006 2007 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT