Huffington Magazine Issue 172 | Page 3

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Jessica Chastain: 'I Made Less Than A Quarter’

Of What Was Reported For 'The Martian'

Here's more proof A-list actresses are undervalued.

Jessica Chastain invoked the Hollywood wage gap afflicting today's actresses in a HuffPost Live conversation on Friday, alluding to a recent report that suggested she made $7 million for "The Martian" – a whopping $18 million less than her co-star Matt Damon. According to the actress, however, their paycheck disparity far exceeds that.

"I've actually never said this, I think, so here we go: There's also misinformation out there," Chastain told host Alex Miranda. "Like someone wrote an article once that said I made a certain amount of money for 'The Martian.' I made less than a quarter of that in reality. And so people are already saying, 'Well, she's making a lot less than her male co-stars because she's making this.' I made less than a quarter of that in reality, so there is a huge wage gap in the industry."

With actresses like Jennifer Lawrence sharing their personal stories of making significantly less than the men acting alongside them, the "Crimson Peak" actress feels the movement to close the wage gap has made progress, and she's hopeful that more will follow.

"It's wonderful that people are starting to talk about the wage gap, and really [admit] that it's an issue," she said. "Women can talk about it, [but] it actually moves me a lot to hear men talk about it as well. I think the film industry is an incredible group of people ... and so the more that we all discuss it as a community, that's what I think is going to help."

Watch more from Jessica Chastain and

Tom Hiddleston's conversation with HuffPost Live here.


