Huffington Magazine Issue 16 | Page 3

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR HUFFINGTON 09.30.12 Two Pink Elephants, One Room HIS WEEK’S ISSUE of Huffington ventures inside gay Republican organizations, spotlights America’s mountain lion enthusiasts, and goes deep into the creative, mischievous mind of China’s famous dissident artist Ai Weiwei. Lila Shapiro puts the spotlight on the small but robust gay contingent within the GOP, which includes a rivalry between the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud. The stylistic differences between Log Cabin, which was founded in the 1970s, and the three-year-old GOProud were evident in their convention events: Log Cabin, ART STRIBER T with its white wine and crab cakes, and GOProud’s male go-go dancers sporting skin-tight shirts reading “Freedom is Fabulous.” As Lila shows, the debates within gay Republican circles are more nuanced than many observers might expect. And the results are not what you’d expect, either. For example, it’s the more restrained Log Cabin members who are unsettled by Mitt Romney’s stance on gay issues—including his pledge to ban gay marriage—and have so far refrained from en- Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook