Huffington Magazine Issue 16 | Page 26

Voices spoke to perfectly legitimate concerns that liberals either ignored or minimized. The advantage of this base broadening was simple: it not only gave Nixon and Agnew the votes they needed to win but also deprived Humphrey of votes he needed to win. Turning out a member of one’s own base adds a vote to one’s own total but doesn’t necessarily subtract one from one’s opponent. Getting support from a voter that the other side expects as its own does twice as much good. This is why, given their lagging performance in the polls, it’s time for Romney and Ryan to think boldly about capturing traditionally Democratic groups. The Obama administration’s lackluster support for Israel and downright refusal to meet with the Jewish State’s Prime Minister creates an opening to attract Jews to the ticket. The Romney campaign’s forward-looking answers to a science questionnaire gives it a chance to attract more highly educated scientists, engineers and environmentalists who are trending Democratic. (For the record, Romney says in black and ELI LEHRER HUFFINGTON 09.30.12 white that climate change is real and caused by humans.) Although gaining this sort of support in huge numbers would probably require policy changes that aren’t feasible at this point, Romney should seriously think about changing policies on immigration and gay marriage isBoth sues when and if Latino and he moves into 1600 LGBT voters Pennsylvania Avenue. have many Both Latino and LGBT good reasons voters may have many to vote good reasons to vote Republican Republican but, largebut, largely ly because of misbecause of guided policies, aren’t misguided going to vote that way policies, in November. Romney is behind aren’t going in the polls and will to vote need to do something that way in dramatic if he wants November.” to win six weeks from now. Getting some traditionally Democratic voters to switch over would help a lot. It’s a risky move and, given Romney’s performance to date, has a decent chance of failure. But it’s certainly better than writing off a huge portion of the electorate.