sive men, believe in the new
world order. They have seen
many movies where women are
President. They have seen stories praising stay-at-home dads.
But they don’t have many role
models. Women had Mary Tyler
Moore and Murphy Brown. Men
are just beginning to have examples they can look to, in real
life and in media. The husband
in Up All Night started out as
the doltish dad, but in the later
episodes the writers allowed him
to occupy the parental authority
in the family. It’s not a zero sum
game between his manhood and
his parenting. He’s a great dad
and his wife still finds him sexy.
So we’re seeing a transformation of
modern marriage? College-educated women and non-collegeeducated women are both pulling ahead in the workplace, but
that means very different things
for them at home. For collegeeducated couples, divorce rates
have dropped and people describe themselves as happier. I
think that’s because no one feels
trapped. Either part