Huffington Magazine Issue 11 | Page 5

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR HUFFINGTON 08.26.12 Of Back Rooms and Classrooms N THIS WEEK’S ISSUE of Huffington, just in time for the Republican convention in Tampa, Jon Ward chronicles Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate. Jon began reporting on the Romney campaign long before Romney took the stage to announce Paul Ryan in front of the battleship USS Wisconsin—an ART STREIBER I event, he writes, that included an “elaborately arranged secret meeting” and “was executed without a hiccup.” Here, through interviews with some of Romney’s top advisers—including Matt Rhoades, Romney’s 37-year-old campaign manager who posits that a Romney presidency might look something like the James K. Polk years—Jon  explores what Romney’s campaigning style might tell us about his governing style. Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook