Huffington Magazine Issue 11 | Page 47

THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION AP PHOTO/DOMINO’S PIZZA, SCOTT GRIES FINGER POINTING A few reasons fed the belief among Romney loyalists that their man could run with something that even some in his own campaign said was a Democratic issue, not a Republican one. First, Ryan last year discarded the most radical elements of his original budget plan and partnered with a Democrat, Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, to come up with a compromise, lending a vital bipartisan flavor to his proposal. Second, while Romney once said he would have signed Ryan’s first plan into law, he has otherwise kept from fully embracing it, insisting over and over that he has his own plan that differs from Ryan’s in some details. That gave him some space to say that he would not include the $716 billion in cuts from Medicare that were part of Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act, which Ryan also included in his budget. Finally, Obama has yet to offer specifics about reducing long-term debt and reforming entitlements. Obama was hurt politically by his rejection of the Bowles-Simpson commission’s recommendations, which made him look like he was opposed to any effort to reduce the deficit and the debt, even though HUFFINGTON 08.26.12 Romney as managing director of Bain Capital in 1998, pictured with chairman of Domino’s Pizza Thomas Monaghan.