Huffington Magazine Issue 11 | Page 41

THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION PHOTO BY ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES Bush’s ill-fated attempt to introduce private accounts into Social Security in 2005. That initiative went down in flames. But Ryan and others have argued that times are different now. The 2008 fiscal crisis brought home to many Americans that the government, like any regular household, can’t continually spend money it doesn’t have without repercussions. Medicare reform is the clearest signal the U.S. government can send to the world that it is serious about getting its fiscal house in order, the argument goes. So reform may not be the political liability it has been in the past. “Some argue that we should downplay bold agendas and simply wage a campaign focused solely on the president and his party. I firmly disagree,” Ryan said at CPAC. “Boldness and clarity offer the greatest opportunity to create a winning coalition. We will not only win the next election— we have a unique opportunity to sweep and remake the political landscape.” “We want this debate, we need this debate and we are going to win this debate on Medicare,” he said during a campaign stop on Monday. Still, even some of the strongest Republican proponents of spending discipline and Medicare reform think Romney might suffer g &VB