Huffington Magazine Issue 11 | Page 29

UJWAL ARKALGUD Voices HUFFINGTON 08.26.12 The Age of Belief-Based Consumption T HE RECENT CHICK-FIL-A controversy has interestingly shed light on something I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while now: Belief-Based Consumption. ¶ People’s decision making is increasingly becoming belief-based, which is to say that people are increasingly choosing to do business with companies that share their values and beliefs. And in the process of doing so, audiences are bringing these brands into conversations with peer groups both online and off, making these brands an integral part of their (audience) identities. ¶ When value systems are involved, audiences are more than happy to spread a brand’s message into the marketplace (through their own personal networks). The series of events this past month that occurred as a result of the President and COO of ChickFil-A openly expressing his opposition to same-sex marriage illustrates exactly that. ¶ His comments had such an impact that it led to hundreds of thousands of supporters buying chicken from the restaurant chain on ILLUSTRATION BY ANDY MARTIN Ujwal Arkalgud is a digital marketer and design anthropologist