Huffington Magazine Issue 11 | Page 21

DATA Enter The Ryan Factor 100 % HUFFINGTON 08.26.12 Paul Ryan is the only recent VP pick since Dan Quayle whose selection was initially rated more negatively than positively by Americans. Click on the bars below to see the outcome of the races. PUBLIC REACTION TO VP PICKS Unsure Excellent/Pretty Good Only Fair/Poor 80 % 60 % TAP YEAR FOR ELECTION RESULTS Poll data from 2000 to 2012 conducted by Gallup/USA Today. This year’s poll surveyed all adults, while past polls surveyed registered voters. Data from 1988 is from a poll of likely voters by Louis Harris and Associates. 1988 2000 2004 2008 ROMNEY—RYAN OBAMA—BIDEN McCAIN—PALIN KERRY—EDWARDS BUSH—CHENEY GORE—LIEBERMAN 20 % BUSH—QUAYLE GERARDO MORA/GETTY IMAGES (RYAN) 40 % 2012