Huffington Magazine Issue 10 | Page 101

EAST VILLAGE WEST VILLAGE LOWER EAST SIDE SOHO TOP TO BOTTOM: PARAMOUNT/EVERETT COLLECTION; SONY PICTURES/EVERETT COLLECTION; MARY EVANS/RONALD GRANT/EVERETT COLLECTION; 20THCENTFOX/EVERETT COLLECTION; EVERETT COLLECTION; FRED DUVAL/FILMMAGIC/GETTY IMAGES; MUNAWAR HOSAIN/FOTOS INTERNATIONAL/GETTY IMAGES CHINATOWN FINANCIAL DISTRICT NEW JERSEY B R O O K LY N HUDSON RIVER WINDSOR TERRACE IS ROBERT PATTINSON A GOOD ACTOR? suited to pick up the FOR: He’s got great mantle left behind taste, evidenced by by James Dean. his desire to work with people like AGAINST: Unlike David Cronenberg FOR: While playing Franco and and David Michod, Edward Cullen Depp, Pattinson who’s set to helm in the Twilight seems humorless his next film, The franchise, Pattinson onscreen, Rover. Pattinson has honed his something in direct could be the next smoldering glances. opposition to his Daniel Radcliffe, Like James Franco off-screen persona, an actor who made and Johnny Depp, which is more smart choices post he seems expertly playful and wry. Harry Potter and seems destined for greatness. Scorsese and Chris Nolan be knocking down his door? He’s so attached to the Twilight franchise, it may be impossible for him to progress beyond it. He could AGAINST: If he be the next Mark were such a good Hamill, an actor actor, wouldn’t who was never directors like David anyone other than Fincher, Martin Luke Skywalker.