Similar to the memories that were activated and replayed by Penfield when he
applied an electrode to specific locations in his patients' brains. However, most of the time these
activated memories remain in our subconscious - only a powerful memory (usually endowed with strong
emotions) in the Earth's brain can pop-up in our conscious awareness. Psychics, however, may sense
Earth's memories and are conscious of their replays more often than others. Interactions between
Earth's Brain and our Brains When forensic psychics access the memory of a victim or an assailant in a
crime scene; or the memory associated with a particular location, a continuous flow of information
could be taking place between their brains and the "Earth's brain". This may also be true when we
access the Akashic records intentionally or unintentionally. Similarly, in "group consciousness",
telepathy and remote viewing, the Earth's "neural networks" may be used by the participants. When the
locus of consciousness of an individual moves into the Earth's brain, the individual identity is
transcended. Internalization of the Universe and Individuation .
Butterflies have more photo-receptors in their visual system than we do. Because of this, their visual
systems are much better than ours in certain respects. While we have a big occipital lobe in our large
brains to process visual information the butterfly does a superior job with brains that are mere specks
two millimeters in size and which is able to process larger amounts of information coming from its more
numerous photo-receptors. Scientists have no clue as to how they do it. Plants and amoeba go about
their complex activities without having brains. The single-celled slime mould even solves mazes every
time it is tested. Brains are made of cells but this single cell (slime mould) behaves as if it had a brain.
Where is this intelligence and information processing power coming from? Many discoveries, scientific
and artistic ideas come about when scientists or artists are not actively thinking
about them. Where does this intelligence emanating from below our conscious radar come from? It
appears that as bodies evolve brains (in particular, the cortex) that become larger (in proportion to the
body) the more the life-form gets cut-off from non-local universal intelligence and has to rely on local
intelligence in the brains housed within their bodies. Human beings, in particular, have become
increasingly estranged from universal intelligence. We create our own universes within our brains which
compete with the universal brain for our conscious attention.