HTT 230 MASTER Invent Yourself/ HTT 230 MASTER Invent Yourself/ | Page 9

HTT 230 Week 6 CheckPoint : Debt and Equity is WACC FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . htt230master . com
Debt financing Equity financing Grants
Identify at least one positive and one negative aspect for each of the 7 ( a ) loan programs .
If you were a small business owner , how would you determine which option is most appropriate for your needs ?
Which of the SBA Loans appears to be most beneficial to a small business ? Why ?
How much does the type of business have to do with which program you choose ?
Format your paper according to APA standards . ===================================================

HTT 230 Week 6 CheckPoint : Debt and Equity is WACC FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . htt230master . com

Write a 200- to 300-word response explaining the concepts of debt , equity , and weighted average cost of capital ( WACC ). Additionally , identify why WACC is so important for a business owner to understand :