Platform Vs . Point :
How Using Best-Of-Breed Platforms Leads To Better Outcomes For GCs
With general contractors already facing tight margins , technology is often perceived as too expensive to incorporate into day-to-day operations . However , the opposite is true . Leveraging technology not only has the potential to reduce your labor burden but it can also help create safer job sites and improve the quality of your team ’ s work . Access to real-time data works to expedite planning decisions and helps track your team ’ s progress . Holistically , this results in a better product for clients , which will almost certainly lead to repeat business and foster business growth .
There are two types of technology solutions available to general contractors : point and platform . Point solutions are designed to resolve specific problems while platform solutions respond to a variety of related issues and can be adapted to serve a diverse range of needs . Point solutions can be helpful for unique and isolated requirements . However , without a platform solution to synthesize and diffuse information , your point data remains siloed and opportunities to improve overall efficiency may be lost . There is a time and a place for point technology , but platform solutions are what help bring everything together .
Invest In Technology That Will Last
As a rule of thumb , the platform solution you choose should have a robust partner market and OpenAPI . More partners means more opportunities to grow with your company . The OpenAPI specification means the developer has determined how and where data will be shared between partner platforms , eliminating the potential for overlap and reducing costly redundancies for your team .
Cost is important , but remember technology that is cheaper today may become obsolete in the future . If a platform you are considering does not have numerous partners and opportunities for integration , you ’ ll likely end up paying more for a replacement down the road .
Integration And Implementation
Turbulence is to be expected in the platform ’ s integration and implementation stages . Not understanding permission and privacy requirements , expecting user adoption with limited or no rollout , and expecting the technology to solve problems without proper application are all common issues general contractors face . You can mitigate these challenges in your company by providing ongoing training for your team , being specific about the key performance indicators and best practices you will be monitoring to determine success , actively listening to feedback , and continually adapting your program to meet the unique needs of your employees and contractors .
The HammerTech Platform
Using the multi-faceted HammerTech platform to collect and analyze data helps bring safety into the fold while improving quality , increasing accountability , and enhancing visibility . When your employees and contractors feel safe and cared for , it boosts morale and decreases downtime , improving quality as a result . Real-time data creates transparency and opens communication to help rectify issues sooner and eliminate rework due to
error . Rather than waiting for a weekly or biweekly meeting , issues in HammerTech are flagged and addressed promptly before they become deficiencies and failures .
Now , HammerTech has partnered with Procore construction management software to build an integration that will change the face of safety . No longer will safety be an isolated area of concern , but instead a consolidated piece of day-today operations and decision making . You can learn more about this integration partnership and provide your feedback at HammerTech . com .
Jason Glover has over 15 years of experience in the Construction Industry . He has direct Construction Operations experience , coming through the ranks both in the field and office . Originally as an Assistant Superintendent and working his way up to a Senior Management Operations role . When Jason realized that there was a gap between Construction Technology Providers and Users , he took it upon himself to found SDC Partners , utilizing his expertise and experience to help move the industry forward into the digital world .