HT Magazine Issue 2 | Page 14

Transform Project Outcomes With An Integrated Safety Platform


Collaboration is key to any successful business . Everything is interrelated and it ’ s no different in a construction business . For many years , the construction industry has put safety data into a silo and that ’ s a big mistake .

Safety has an impact on everything that happens from the jobsite to the office . That ’ s why owners , contractors , and engineers need an integrated platform with an open API that feeds safety data into business intelligence dashboards that executive leadership can understand and act on .
Why Centralize Safety Data ?
1 . Expedite Inspections By Government Agencies
Centralized safety data is key when inspectors show up at the jobsite . When inspectors show up at a jobsite you don ’ t want them on the jobsite longer than necessary . When you have your safety data in a platform for sign ins , you can quickly show the inspector who was on the jobsite on the day or any date they need , which pre-task meetings a specific worker attended and show them the JHAs , SDSs , inspections , and permits . There ’ s no need for the inspector to walk through the jobsite to the job trailer while you dig through a file cabinet or six-inchthick binders to provide them with the necessary documentation .