The Power Of Simplicity
Why Streamlining Processes And Going Digital Can Save Time And Money For Builders Large And Small .
Are builders using paper-based safety processes at a disadvantage to those using digital platforms ? If so why ?
I think it really depends on the size of the builder and the certifications they have in place or want to get . In an audit scenario HammerTech provides excellent transparency of records and it makes a system really easy to audit and to demonstrate compliance . Paper-based systems are always clunky and , if filing systems on site are not consistent , it makes it hard to demonstrate compliance . HammerTech seamlessly links all documents together from induction records to tickets to SWMS sign ins , etc .
What are the three most common problems you encounter with Builders ’/ Contractors ’ safety processes when you first start working with them ?
1 . I find that most builders have overly complex systems with too many forms and too many words . Site teams are always incredibly busy so simplicity is essential .
2 . A lack of understanding as to their legal obligations and due diligence requirements . With industrial manslaughter now in place in most states of Australia , meeting the minimum legal requirements could mean the difference between a fine or a jail term and I don ’ t think that senior management really appreciate this yet .
3 . Most companies want to implement good safety systems and want to comply with their legal obligations , but they don ’ t provide the ongoing support to their teams after a new system is implemented . When companies are not large enough to justify the cost of a full-time Safety Manager , it is important that they consider using a consultant to provide the extra training and support to make sure the site teams don ’ t lose momentum .
How would you judge the maturity of Australia ’ s construction safety processes / regulations as opposed to other markets ?
I think that due to the fact that Australian safety law is far more onerous than most other countries , we are far more mature in managing safety than other countries . With fines in the vicinity of $ 16 million and jail terms for Directors , it has forced construction in Australia to perform to a very high standard . The regulatory bodies in Australia provide a raft of detailed information to assist companies meet their obligations in an easy to digest way . Regulators have recently been spending time updating and rewriting compliance codes and codes of practice so that they now provide really good reference materials that are easy to navigate and understand .
Does simplification of process or digitization of system help builders navigate these regulations ? If so , how ?
All safety management systems need to meet the minimum requirements of the local jurisdiction . This , coupled with a view to simplification , which HammerTech does well , stands companies in good stead to meeting the regulatory requirements . But don ’ t forget that if the system itself is not compliant , no amount of digitization will help . It is important to get the base system right first before the digitization process starts .
What are the areas of safety performance reporting that you think is most immature in the Australian market and has / is that changing ?
I think that we have always struggled with bulk reporting of incident trends . Typically incidents will be saved on an Excel spreadsheet and the Safety Manager will spend hours trying to analyse the trends and lessons learned at a company level . Digitization makes the reporting and analysis of safety data much more efficient and provides a good base for making decisions around continual improvement .
What are they key drivers for builders to incorporate a better safety system ? And has that changed over time ?
The key drivers in Australia , apart from obviously taking the best possible care of our employees , is the potential for large fines from the regulators and now on top of that , the associated jail term for Directors and senior management . We are seeing more and more prosecutions under industrial manslaughter laws and this is set to increase . If this isn ’ t enough to encourage companies to take safety management seriously with well thoughtthrough systems , people or consultants to support those systems and subsequent digitization of processes , then I don ’ t know what is .
Kate Elliott ’ s ability to implement systems to meet the specific needs of each client coupled with her excellent communication and facilitation skills are key to her ability to implement successful client solutions . Kate is a qualified auditor . She can utilise the client ’ s existing audit tools or develop a new audit criteria specific to the project and the client ’ s management system . ElliottSafety . co . au