HSM 410 MENTOR Future Starts Here/hsm410mentor.com HSM 410 MENTOR Future Starts Here/hsm410mentor.com | Page 5

Limited availability of medical equipment Limitation of resources, including money, for medical services Individual choice for medical care 1. (TCO 5) How does gender affect access and quality of health services? (Points : 15) Question 2. 2. (TCO 6) What are components of high-quality care? (Points : 15) estion 3. 3. (TCO 2) What are the three models of organizing care? Provide a brief description of the care provided at each level. (Points : 15) Question 4. 4. (TCO 6) What is the most aggregated payment method for a physician? For a hospital? (Points : 15) 1. (TCO 3) How does malpractice affect quality of healthcare services? What are two options for malpractice reform? (Points : 25) Question 2. 2. (TCO 4) What is the concept of patient cost sharing? Is it a painless form of cost control? If so, for whom? (Points : 25) Question 3. 3. (TCO 7) Is death an enemy that is to be fought off at all costs, or is it a condition of life that is to be accepted? How does the way that we answer this question affect the kind of healthcare system that we might embrace? Which do you feel currently governs the U.S. healthcare system? Justify your answer. (Points : 25) ===================================================