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This Tutorial is based on Project Death with Dignity Legislation It is expected that the Outline be submitted in a formal outline format as demonstrated below. Your outline should show enough detail to demonstrate that you have begun thinking about the organization of your paper and the research required for the topic. After your outline, please submit a listing of the sources that you have already identified for your paper. I. Each Roman numeral should be a main section of the paper. A. Subpoint 1. Details of Subpoint a. Related details to the Subpoint B. Subpoint =================================================== HSM 410 Week 6 Ethical Considerations Project (2 Project) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hsm410mentor.com This Tutorial contains 2 Different Project Review the reading and lecture. Read Ethics Article: Smugar, S., Spina, B., &Merz, J. (2000, September).Informed Consent for Emergency Contraception: Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims. American Journal of Public Health, 90(9),1372-1376. Retrieved November 28, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database. Complete the Ethical Considerations Project . Ethical Considerations Project Requirements ===================================================