HSE International ISSUE 93 | Page 15

Inset image: Chris Cockerill - Estates Technical Director & Chief Engineer, Dr Mary O’Mahony - RoSPA Trustee performance. The first of the Five Values is ‘Safety First Always’ and our Company Policy Statement reflects this priority. “The Board of Directors monitors health and safety performance through monthly Board Meetings where it is the first item on the agenda. A separate quarterly Health and Safety Meeting is also held where there is Board and Senior Partner representation. “A Quarterly Health and Safety Performance Review is attended by representatives from our strategic partners and Board. A standard agenda ensures that trends and comparisons can be identified. An annual review with the same membership covers performance for the year and sets new targets in the form of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the coming year. They update and tighten these to reflect the required performance, based on the performance of the previous year”. Within ADSL, a report on delivery against Health and Safety objectives is reviewed by the Senior Management Team (SMT) at monthly meetings. The health and safety performance of each garrison is also an agenda item at quarterly garrison reviews led by the MoD. Board Members undertake 2 scheduled Leadership Visits per year and the ADSL Senior Management Team carry out 4 visits per year. The programme includes locations which may have previously had significant work injuries, so that these can be addressed as an engagement topic. A Leadership Report is produced from each visit. “Senior ADSL involvement is fundamental to the management of incidents,” Chris said. “All significant accidents require an MD and Head of HSE conference call with the respective director and line manager of the individual involved. In ADSL, significant accidents are defined as those which require medical treatment beyond First Aid and a single lost working day.” “We develop campaigns and share lessons learned that are meaningful for all employees of ADSL and our partners alike” Health and safety performance is a high priority item on the agenda at monthly SMT meetings and at six monthly Leadership Forums which are attended by fifty senior ADSL staff. Health and safety is also a priority at annual Managing Director (MD) Forums, where ADSL’s MD, Graham Blow addresses all ADSL staff, reviewing their performance against objectives. Graham’s positive focus on Health and Safety has been fundamental to ADSL’s success in this area. His message to staff is, “We want to ensure that everyone goes home from work to their families safely, every day”, and Graham has taken the lead in ensuring that the company listens to its staff and makes improvements based on their feedback. Health and Safety Belongs to Everyone In addition to ownership at senior levels, ADSL encourage all of their staff to take ownership of health and safety issues. Staff are kept updated in a regular Health and Safety Bulletin and via a Dashboard on the company intranet. They are also given an opportunity to lead on Health and Safety. Safe and Sure Action Groups have been established across all main locations. Group members are not health and safety specialists, but they can draw on expertise when required by submitting and receiving direction Safe and Sure Campaign HSE INTERNATIONAL 15