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– and that everyone was agreeable to making that journey
“Obviously, to have employee engagement you must
be able to assume you already have the buy in from senior
management within those organisations, which we do
on Crossrail. To retain engagement over the long term
we are active as a client. We spend a lot of time with our
contractors. We spend time out on site, so we witness
everything first hand. We hold a number of events where
we get to talk directly with those working on Crossrail
on our behalf. We survey our contractors, auditing and
measuring against standards, and we ask for evidence to
demonstrate mechanisms in place to ensure this cultural
environment exists, what opportunities employees are
given to engage, and how they consult with them and keep
channels of communication open.”
Prior to beginning his role with Crossrail, Hails held a
number of senior health, safety and environmental roles
with Siemens Energy. Most latterly, he was Global Head
of Environment, Health & Safety for Siemens Renewable
Energy based out of Denmark. Like many health and safety
professionals, Hails comes from an engineering background
and moved into health and safety around twenty years
“We aspire to prevent
all harm, both health
and safety, and we have
a firm belief that all
harm is preventable”