HSE International ISSUE 100 | Page 33

“Concerning our environmental influence, we’re very comfortable that although we’re not zero impact, our payback from renewable technologies such as carbon reduction or water resource (i.e. the amount of water saved compared to traditional fossil fuels) is immense. “I also think that we perhaps don’t shout about sustainability enough. As we’re producing ‘clean energy’, we don’t necessarily highlight or even forget the additional environmental benefits that come with it. “We see sustainability, locally produced energy and a move away from fossil fuels as progressive steps, particularly in the supply chain for logistics and travel. “We have a very good story to tell regarding our environmental footprint and sustainability, and we maintain our position in supporting clean energy at a national and international level. We see renewable energy as a fundamental component in driving the global industry. “We also support various charities, in particular those investing in innovative technologies. We support communities who have more challenges than perhaps we have, and Coru is our default charity of preference. This organisation is responsible for regulating health and social care professionals. “We tie in and support other charities with similar viewpoints around sustainability challenges, although we don’t have any formal alignments.” HSE INTERNATIONAL ASKED: “DO YOU BELIEVE THAT RENEWABLE ENERGY CAN EVENTUALLY REPLACE OUR RELIANCE ON FOSSIL FUELS?” Chris answered: “My personal view is that renewable energy can, will and must play an ever increasing role in the energy mix. All energy is derived from the sun, so there is no shortage of potential in achieving 100% renewable energy production. Being realistic, how this would be achieved, either politically or whether the time and cost to achieve it would be supported, is for others to answer. “Rather than saying we’ll be 100% by a particular time, we work to see renewable energy with a growing percentage share of the energy mix, each and every year.” “We’re seeing very significant improvement in energy storage technologies and I expect this to play an ever increasing role, moving forward.” RENEWABLEUK MEMBERSHIP Chris explained: “Becoming a member increases your visibility across the UK renewables sector and sign up is easy. “We have two types of members: Company Members with an active opportunity to directly engage in our working groups, and Correspondent Members who are involved on an information basis. “Your RenewableUK membership level is determined by your company size and direct involvement in renewables industry - the bigger you role in the renewables sector the more you pay, the smaller you are the less you pay – it’s that simple.” 2016 AND BEYOND Chris concluded: “There have been a number of changes in renewables since the election, and the UK Government has been clear it wants to see industry work harder to drive down costs. Onshore wind is now competitive with new gas, while offshore wind is bringing its costs down fast. This is a great opportunity for the sector; proving that we have a big role in helping power the country, and meaning that the sector can sti