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Ask Nery!
By: Nery Chavez
Within Harmony School of
Discovery the students and staff sometimes have questions and comments
that need answering. For HSD’s first
newspaper we are including an advice
column. We are very proud to present
“Ask Nery!”
Piles of questions, concerns,
comments, and complaints were submitted. Only a few will appear in the
newspaper. Thank you to everyone
who submitted to “Ask Nery!” I hope
that my advice serves you well.
This column is based on my
personal opinion, knowledge, and feelings.
Ask Nery: Are cheez-its made with
real cheese?--Anonymous
Dear Anonymous:
Not only made
with real cheese, but contain wheat,
salt, spices, and vegetable oil. Cheezits are also kosher. Just saying my
favorite cheez-its are white cheddar!
Ask Nery: What can teachers do to
help students succeed? How can we
motivate you to do your work?
--Mrs. Vitarius
Dear Ms. Vitarius: A big motivation for
students (me) is food. Always have
snacks and candy to give your students when they get a problem right or
when they’re on task. Communication
is key. Talk to them not only as a
teacher but more as a friend; try to
understand them and work with them
to help them succeed.
Ask Nery: Are ghosts real?--Mona
2nd grade
Dear Mona: I personally believe that
ghosts exist, but there is really no
proof that they do exist. One third of
American people believe in ghosts
(according to a internet search), but
whether you believe in ghosts or not is
something personal.
Ask Nery: If you are in a situation
where you are friends with someone
and your other friend doesn’t want
you to be friends with them what do
you do?--Anonymous 4th grade
Dear Anonymous: You should be
friends with whoever you want to be
friends with even if your other friend
doesn’t like them. He/she isn’t your
parent and you shouldn’t let them tell
you what to do. Being friends with
both doesn’t mean you have to hang
out with both of them at the same
time. If your friend has a problem
with you being friends with the other
person and is giving you a hard time
about it, then he/she isn’t a real
friend. Be friends with whomever
you want.
Ask Nery: Can you give out high
school tips and advice?--Anonymous
Dear Anonymous: I am only a
Sophomore, and I have two years
left, but my advice would be to prioritize your time wisely! Study hard and
don’t procrastinate, leaving your
work to the last minute. You also
have to find a good group of friends.
The people who you hang out with
will affect you and either bring you
up or down. Pick friends whom you
can study with and also have a good
Ask Nery: Can we have better cafeteria food? Ex: Better pizza, Big
Macs, chicken nuggets?
Dear Anonymous: I have no power
over our school lunch program, if it
were up to me there’d be better food
and yes, Big Macs! My first year at
HSD was in 7th grade and ever
since then I’ve really disliked our
school lunch. Hopefully in the coming years whoever is in charge of our
schools food decides to change it.
Ask Nery: What grade do you
dissect a frog in Harmony?
--Ayaan Saleem 4th grade
Dear Ayaan Saleem: You get to
dissect a frog in 9th grade when you
take Biology. I personally did not like
Biology but dissecting a frog was
really cool and really fun.
Ask Nery: What advice would you
give to middle school students on
their studies for the STAAR exam?-Mr. Bui
Dear Mr. Bui: The best advice I
could give is to be creative and diligent. Students should go online and
find previous STAAR exams and
study them. It’ll give the students
insight on the kinds of things that
they will see on the day of the exam.
Another thing is to be confident
about the exam, if they have really
studied and have really put in the
effort, then acing the test should be
no problem!
Ask Nery: I got a bad grade what
should I do?--Anonymous
Dear Anonymous: The first thing
you should do is try to understand
why you got the grade you did in the
first place and then find ways to improve on it. So if you got a bad
grade in math, then you should focus more time on math. No one is
going to do the work for you, so by
putting in more effort, you should
see better results in your grade.
Ask Nery will be featured in the second newspaper coming out in May.
To have your