HS 205 Help A Clearer path to student success/uophelp.com HS 205 Help A Clearer path to student success/uoph | Page 3
Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation
explaining turnover in human services organizations. Include the
Discuss why turnover is so prominent in the field of human
services. Describe the correlation between high turnover and
Identify causes of burnout and high turnover rates. How is
it addressed in human services organizations?
Explain how unmanageable stress affects the delivery of clients'
services. Analyze methods that encourage self-care for managing
this stress.
Discuss the importance of self-care resources and provide a few
recommendation strategies amongst human services professionals.
Describe how these strategies can aid in the management of
stressful situations in the field.
Format citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Ensure you edit for spelling, grammar, and mechanics.
Incorporate both text and images into the presentation to make it
engaging. (Hint: use the speaker's notes box to include additional text
that you can't fit on the slides)