HRM 498 OUTLET Start With a Dream / HRM 498 OUTLET Start With a Dream / | Page 3

6. Organizations set major objectives and develop comprehensive pla ns to achieve those objectives through human resource planning. 7. Job specifications describe the duties, tasks, and responsibilities pe rformed on the job and therefore play a key role in performance appra isal. 8. Job Analysis is the process of obtaining information about jobs thr ough a process of determining what the duties, tasks or activities of tho se jobs are. 9. Job analysis is usually more accurate and objective if the job anal yst can prepare the job description without consulting supervisors or jo bholders. 10. Selection is the process of attempting to locate and encourage pot ential applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job openings. Short Answer – Please provide a short answer to each of the questions below. 11. Why can some organizations that fail to invest heavily in human assets still be financially successful? Why can some organizations that do invest heavily in human assets still be financially unsuccessfully? 12. What are the most important workplace trends affecting HR toda y? How well do you feel the HR profession responds to these trends? 13. What are the main barriers that prevent an organization from tak ing a more strategic approach to HR? Why do they exist, and how can they be overcome?