14. What are the major objectives of human resource planning? Why
is each of these objectives critical for an organization’s success? Wha
t benefits are provided by each that can result in a competitive advanta
15. How does global human resource management differ from dome
stic human resource management?
HRM 498 Final Examination
I have used Option A
Final ExaminationOptional Assignment A or B (DUE Week 5 THURSDAY DAY 3)
Select one of the individual assignments; either
Option A or Option B but not both. Option A: Issues to Be Addressed i
n a Repatriation Process; complete the matrix or
Optional Individual Assignments A and B are listed below.
Optional Individual Assignment A: (Answer the question and complete
the matrix below)
Strategic Human Resources Management, Second Edition
Chapter 14 - Global Human Resource Management (Exhibit 14-5)
Issues to Be Addressed in a Repatriation Process: