Buy here : http :// student . land / products . php ? product = HRM-420-We ek-3-Assignment-Discrimination-and-Harassment-Case- Study-Analysis-
Buy here : http :// student . land / products . php ? product = HRM-420-We ek-3-Assignment-Discrimination-and-Harassment-Case- Study-Analysis-
Identify a situation that could be considered an example of discrimination and harassment in the workplace . This can be something that you have experienced or seen in person , or something that you create .
Formulate a short 4- to 6-sentence case study scenario that describes this incident .
Conduct a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the case study , and include the following in your analysis :
● Explain the type of discrimination and harassment ( you must include both ) that took place in your case study scenario . What were the key indicators that this behavior was a violation of workplace policy ?
● Summarize how to conduct a proper investigation of these claims .
● Determine which employment laws were violated in your case study scenario . How were the laws violated ? What change ( s ) would you make to minimize future occurrences of these violations ?
Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines .
Create correctly formatted APA references and a title page , and include a minimum of three references .