HRM 420 EDU Think Big / HRM 420 EDU Think Big / | Page 50

Title Page and Executive Summary On the front page of the report, use a title page. On page 2, create a brief executive summary (four to five sentences, tops) that provides to your supervisor the topic of your proposal with your final recommendation. Assume that your supervisor may want to use that document to send up the chain as a training recommendation, so include any specific numbers you feel are important in that document. (Note that APA sixth edition does not provide for executive summaries; instead, it discusses abstracts. APA sixth edition is for scholarly publications and not business writing. Because this is a report to your supervisor, title it as an executive summary to get practice in business writing method.)As you read the travscript trainings, take notes on the following things you notice or consider. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRM 420 Week 5 Workplace Violence Protection Plan Outline FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Workplace Violence Protection Plan Outline Assess your current or most recent place of employment.