HRM 420 EDU Start With a Dream / HRM 420 EDU Start With a Dream /
HRM 420 Final Exam Guide
Please Check the Question Below
There are six (6) essay questions. Be very thorough and specific in
your answers. I want to see you use the textbook and other sources
(be sure to cite your sources) and I want you to then provide specific
examples to show your knowledge of the subject matter. The final
essay question is on any T&D topic of your choice that is not
included in the initial four (4) essay questions.
1. Explain three essential differences between employee capabilities
and company core competencies. Why is it important for a trainer
to understand these differences? (30points)
2. Explain the basic steps to conducting a person analysis and how a
person analysis is used in a needs assessment. Do a very basic person
analysis on either yourself or on your professor, based on the job
you, he, or she is currently employed in (and your common
knowledge). (30 points)