HRM 420 Dreams Come True / HRM 420 Dreams Come True / | Page 27

· Outside persons( i. e., A robber intent on stealing from your store)
· Customers or clients( i. e., A former student who arrives on campus to inflict harm)
· Employees( i. e., An employee that attacks a coworker)
· Outside person who has a direct connection with an employee( i. e., an ex-spouse intending on inflicting harm on the other ex-spouse) Create a 350-word contingency protection plan outline for each potential issue. Use the following template for each outline, creating as many headings and sub-headings as needed: I. Violence by Outside Persons( describe) A. Policy Statement 1. 2. B. Summary of Training( describe) 1. 2. II. Violence by Customers or Clients Include the following in each contingency plan:
· Policy Statement against this form of violence in the workplace
· Summary of training for employees to prevent this type of violence
· Responsibilities of managers and employees before, during, and after incident Create correctly formatted APA references and a title page, and include a minimum of three references. Click on the Assignment Files tab to submit your plan. ================================================