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HRM 420 Week 4 DQ 3
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HRM 420 Week 4 DQ 4
For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
HRM 420 Week 4 Individual Assignment Paper Employment Selection and Training and Development Programs

HRM 420 Week 4 DQ 3

For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

Imagine that you are the new safety officer at work .
• What might be your first priority and why ?
• How could you convince operational managers to make safety a first concern ? ================================================

HRM 420 Week 4 DQ 4

For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

• Describe at least three key components of an effective health and safety program and explain why they are important .
• What would happen if these components were not included in the program ?


HRM 420 Week 4 Individual Assignment Paper Employment Selection and Training and Development Programs