HRM 420 D help Minds Online/ HRM 420 D help Minds Online/ | Page 22

might include the cost-effectiveness of providing these modules as training to your organization , the benefits of using these modules for training , or any downsides and alternatives you recommend to the use of these modules . Based on your best estimate , determine whether you feel the value of the training will be recouped by the organization through a benefit ( savings ) or whether it will be borne by the organization as a necessary expense . Feel free to supplement your analysis with your own assumed facts . ( Be as creative as you want to be .)
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Explain the background of one of the training videos , the content , the learning objectives that it would meet , the time frame it will take , and the style of learners it will appeal to . Provide a brief analysis as to the quality of the training tutorial and whether it seems worth $ 150 per seat , and provide at least one alternative training method that could be done ( and at approximately what cost ). Use at least one alternative method of training discussed in Chapter 7 . Finally discuss the cost of live-styled traditional trainingâ €” hiring an expert in the field of the tutorial ’ s topicâ €” or whether you feel you have in-house experts who could do this training just as well . These alternatives can be summarized and explained briefly .
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Write a similar analysis and write-up of the second training video . Where your thoughts are the same as for the first video , you can briefly summarize by saying , “ This training is similar to the first module in the areas of . . .” Then move into what is different . Perhaps there are benefits as a result of the two modules being similar ; explain these in your paper as well .
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