HRM 420 Week 4 Homework Part 2 For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
11 . PRIORITY 12 . DESCRIPTION OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITY ( Include COST and DATE for Accomplishment ) 13 . EVIDENCE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Explain any hurdles or barriers you see in completing the above and what assistance is requested from the company or supervisor on the same . Employee Signature and Date
Supervisor Signature and Date IDP LEGEND COLUMN 5 : PERIOD COLUMNS 6 , 7 , and 8 : YEARLY DEVELOPMENTAL GOALS COLUMN 9 : DEVELOPMENTAL OBJECTIVES COLUMN 10 : PURPOSE COLUMN 11 : PRIORITY COLUMN 12 : DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES Use one of the following to specify the developmental activity you will use to complete your objectives . COLUMN 13 : EVIDENCE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Cite specific product ( s ), outcome ( s ), or evidence that demonstrates the completion of the planned developmental activities --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRM 420 Week 4 Homework Part 2 For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com