HRM 326 TUTOR Education Terms/ HRM 326 TUTOR Education Terms/ | Page 11

HRM 326 Week 2 Team Assignment Training Key Areas ( 2 Papers )
6 . Trainees need to understand what specifically they are expected to learn in the training program .
7 . To use __________________ to gain a competitive advantage requires linking the company ’ s human resources practices ( such as training and development ) to the business strategy .
8 . Business strategy influences how the company uses all of the following capitals EXCEPT :
9 . Strategy has a particularly strong influence on determining the following , EXCEPT :
10 . All of the following are implications through the emphasis on learning , EXCEPT : =================================================

HRM 326 Week 2 Team Assignment Training Key Areas ( 2 Papers )

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This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
Write a paper no less than 1,250-word paper in which you explain the importance of training in these areas :
Legally required training Diversity Employee professional growth , individually and within the organization