HRM 326 help Minds Online/ HRM 326 help Minds Online/ | Page 21

For more course tutorials visit Retrieve the Quiz for Week 3 posted in the Course Material forum of our OLS classroom. Complete the multiple choice quiz by highlighting the correct response. Post your completed quiz to the assignments link. 1. _____ refers to the collection of information – including what, when, how, and from whom – that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the training program. 2. _____ can be used as a "dress rehearsal" to show the program to managers, trainees, and customers. 3. Identify the third level outcome amongst the following Kirkpatrick's four-level framework for categorizing training outcomes. 4. Skill-based outcomes include acquisition or learning of skills and use of skills on the job. 5. Utility analysis is a cost-benefit analysis method that involves assessing the dollar value of training based on estimates of the difference in job performance between trained and untrained employees, and the number of individuals trained.