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Tutorial Purchased : 3 Times , Rating : B

Tutorial Purchased : 3 Times , Rating : B

Retrieve the Quiz for Week 4 posted in the Course Material forum of our OLS classroom .
Complete the multiple choice quiz by highlighting the correct response . Post your completed quiz to the assignments link .
1 . The following are all benefits of new technology that have been incorporated into training , EXCEPT :
2 . This typically involves videoconferencing and / or computers for the delivery of instructions from a trainer to trainees who are different locations .
3 . Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of e- learning ?
4 . Online learning allows more employees to gain access to these types of programs in a quicker time period than if face-to-face instruction is used .
5 . All of the following are the most frequently used training techniques EXCEPT :
6 . In this variation of the lecture method , two or more speakers present information and ask question .
7 . This is an attractive training method because compared to others ; it needs less investment in time or money for materials , trainer ' s salary , or instructional design .
8 . The major advantage of apprenticeship programs is that learners can _____ while they learn .