Jim has learned a great deal , yet feels inadequate to deal with all of the issues of conflict . Jim views his training experience as a new tool ready to try out . However , he really has not had much time to reflect on what his classes have taught him and what will be beneficial in the future . Jim decides to ask one of the instructors what he feels is the most important lesson he will need as a conflict manager . The instructor suggests that Jim decide on the important lessons himself and start taking notes . Jim identified the following roles in his notes : Encourages the collaboration of teams of individuals in conflict Negotiates issues of concern between interested parties Involves others in the mediation process to avoid or resolve
conflict Demonstrates strategic approaches to tackling conflict Makes decisions Acts as consultant for the decision-making process Accurately monitors performance management Encourages employees to seek out other endeavors or opportunities Delegates tasks Makes joint decisions
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you compare and contrast the tasks involved with each role , and the specific skills required as they relate to each role . Evaluate how behaviors , traits , and characteristics reflect on an effective conflict manager . Indicate why you feel each skill is significant to the success of each role . Differentiate how power-based , rights-based , and interestbased approaches to conflict management affect each role and the desired outcome in the workplace . Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines .