Advertising , Marketing & Public Relations Services Working with an agency to run your advertising or marketing campaigns , not only saves you $$, but as your media representative , we put together your entire campaign and production !
Let us help YOU with your special event or participate in one of our specialized events such as : Viva Jesus Festival , Cuban Sandwich Festival , Cuban Sandwich Smackdowns , Taste of Latino Festival , 3 Kings Days Festival , International Latin Food Festival , Ladies Tea & Spa Party , Latin ConneXions Networking Socials and more !
Other Tools and Services !
Let our years of experience be on YOUR side !
Advertising , Marketing & Public Relations Services Working with an agency to run your advertising or marketing campaigns , not only saves you $$, but as your media representative , we put together your entire campaign and production !
Let us handle it , we can take all the work out of your hands !
Advertising Campaigns & Brand Development Business Strategy and Consulting Video / Audio Production Translations Public Relations Media Relations Press Release Distribution Copy Editing
Website Design : Layout , graphics and more Graphic Design Corporate Identity Newsletter Design Social Media Mobile Marketing Specializing in Niche , offering local , statewide and nationwide
Hispanic / Latino Solutions ! Print Brokerage Media Buys : Radio , Television , Print , Billboard , Benches and MORE !
Custom Events and Networking : Calendar of Events
Let us help YOU with your special event or participate in one of our specialized events such as : Viva Jesus Festival , Cuban Sandwich Festival , Cuban Sandwich Smackdowns , Taste of Latino Festival , 3 Kings Days Festival , International Latin Food Festival , Ladies Tea & Spa Party , Latin ConneXions Networking Socials and more !