HPE Managing CINV pocket guide 2019 | Page 90

The economic consequences of CINV can be significant Severe CINV episodes present a significant cost for national healthcare services 9 Mean cost per patient: €389 €750 €1,017 Italy France Germany When patients do not receive guideline-recommended CINV preventative treatment, healthcare visits due to CINV are higher 1 Prevention is central to effective CINV management • 32% of healthcare providers delayed or discontinued a patient’s chemotherapy because of CINV 10 •  International antiemetic guidelines recommend drug administration targeting CINV prevention 1 •  Guideline compliance can significantly reduce CINV incidence by almost 10% when compared with guideline- inconsistent prophylaxis, as reported in a prospective, observational multicentre study 1 •  Oncologists estimated that 35% of patients made mistakes (i.e. missed or delayed doses) during home administration of antiemetics 11