HPE Human Albumin | Page 6

Composition of some commonly used intravenous fluids 1 , 27
Fluid Sodium ( mmol / l ) Potassium ( mmol / l ) Chloride ( mmol / l ) Osmolarity ( mOsm / kg )
Plasma 140 4.5 103 288
Sodium chloride 0.9 % 154 0 154 308
Lactated Ringers 130 4 111 279
Plasmalyte 140 5 98 N / A
is only a transient increase in the intravascular volume because of the rapid transfer across capillary membranes and ultimate equilibration within the entire extracellular fluid space . Thus , fluid replacement with crystalloids is associated with an increased level of tissue hydration and the risk of edema , in particular , increased extravascular lung water and peripheral tissue edema . 30 A further recognized problem , particularly following prolonged administration of supraphysiological amounts of sodium and chloride , for instance , normal saline , is the risk of hyperchloremic acidosis 31 and which causes a detrimental effect on renal function . 32 This effect can be eliminated through the use of a more physiologically balanced (‘ buffered ’) crystalloid intravenous fluid regimen and which contains less chloride . 33
Colloid or crystalloid ? Whether a crystalloid or colloid represents the optimal IV fluid is yet to determined . However , one factor which has become clear is that in the US , the US FDA has warned against the use of HES products in critically ill patients , including those with sepsis . 34 In a 2019 review of 55 studies including approximately 27,000 patients that compared crystalloids with colloids as a resuscitation fluid in an intensive care setting , the authors concluded that treatment with albumin was associated with a significantly higher cardiac index and central venous pressure ( compared with crystalloids ) at all time points . 35 All cause mortality and 90-day mortality were significantly lower for crystalloids compared with HES . In a follow-up correspondence to the study , the authors suggested that albumin should be more widely considered as an alternative to crystalloid in the intensive care unit . 36
Conclusion In the absence of definitive evidence of superiority , it seems sensible to adopt a balanced fluid regimen approach , incorporating a combination of crystalloids and colloids , that involves tailoring fluid therapy to meet the individual patients ’ requirements , taking account of their clinical condition and avoiding excessive fluid and electrolyte administration and the subsequent effects on morbidity and mortality .
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