HPE Human Albumin Update | Page 25

Human albumin : cost – benefits
Survival and discharge
In-hospital death
Survival and discharge
In-hospital death
ICU fluid therapy in sepsis
Renal pRenalHES
Bleeding pBleedingHES No bleeding
Survival at 90 days
Survival and discharge
No renal
Bleeding pBleedingHES
No bleeding
Death at 90 days
In-hospital death
Figure 3 : Decision tree for assessing choice of fluid therapies 14
a loss of 1.00 life years . The calculated cost of $ 9149 per life year gained with albumin is well within the range of measures considered cost effective by reimbursement agencies . Added attractions to this approach include the ability to analyse the effect of variables such as age on the outcomes . Further research on sepsis including the effect of quality of life on cost-effectiveness outcomes may also be informed by models such as these . The key issue is that these analyses are more sophisticated than ' bottle to bottle ' comparisons and give payers the opportunity to assess the effect of therapeutic choice on total medical costs . The risk of developing budgets to small areas within hospitals includes the temptation to ignore global , long-term benefits to healthcare for patients and focus on the immediate need to cut costs regardless of ultimate outcomes . 15 The introduction of approaches such as the one described is therefore highly desirable .
Conclusions – albumin as the last colloid standing ? Albumin stands centre stage in the debate over fluid therapies and management costs . This natural colloid would clearly be the therapy of choice if the decision was not obscured by cost issues . Approaching such a decision has to be done in the context of assessing total
medical costs , which , in the case of the diseases treated by albumin ( for example , sepsis and cirrhosis ) are high , irrespective of the costs of fluids and the pharmacoeconomic outcomes show that the additional cost of fluid , irrespective of its nature , has no effect on outcome . 14 Hence , this level of decision making has to be taken from the purview of areas where the focus is immediate , short-term , competitive resource management . In the era when other colloids have been shown to be unsafe , albumin has come into its own as a safe , effective therapy with demonstrable cost effectiveness . l
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