HPE Human albumin handbook | Page 6

Biological and functional properties of albumin and corresponding medical applications ( based on Rozga et al 1 )
Functional / biological feature
Maintenance of oncotic pressure
Medical application
Second-line therapy of haemorrhagic shock , in case of inadequate response to first-line crystalloid fluids or non-protein colloids Treatment of ascites and peripheral oedema following liver transplantation
Binding and
Detoxification and anti-oxidation in inflammation ,
transportation of
carbon tetrachloride poisoning , and uraemia
endogenous and
Liver support therapies
exogenous molecules
Inhibition of apoptosis
Haemostatic effects
Vascular integrity
Anti-inflammatory properties
Potentially sepsis
Extracorporeal circulation
Binding to leukotoxin in sepsis and shock Extensive burns during the period of transcapillary leakage
Decompensated liver cirrhosis
albumin < 35g / l , although clinically significant hypoalbuminaemia is probably identified by levels < 25g / l . Low serum albumin levels are risk factors and a predictor of morbidity / mortality regardless of the implicated disease . 12 Intravenous administration of human albumin to treat hypoalbuminaemia is a controversial issue ; this is consistent with the principle that hypoalbuminaemia is often a “ symptom ” rather than a primary process . Overall , the purpose of albumin administration is not the correction of the oncotic pressure per se , but the correction of hypovolaemia and fluid depletion . Indeed , human albumin is used mainly in acute conditions , for the correction of fluid loss and restoration of blood volume , and in a few , selected
13 , 14
chronic situations with low levels of serum albumin . Albumin is also used when the administration of nonprotein colloids is contraindicated . 14
However , its use in critically ill patients with volume or oncotic deficit is not unanimously supported by the evidence . Several studies have not uncovered a benefit for albumin in fluid resuscitation . Moreover , a meta-analysis of studies involving patients receiving intensive care for acute kidney injury showed that albumin was associated with worse outcomes in terms of mortality when compared with crystalloids such as normal saline , but these data were not subsequently confirmed in randomised clinical trials . 15 Despite the absence of robust comparative data , albumin is still used in cases requiring acute volume resuscitation owing to its non-oncotic properties and is beneficial for patients with extensive burns . In conditions involving systemic inflammation ( for example , acute lung injury or respiratory distress syndrome ), albumin improves oxygenation and haemodynamic status . Other medical applications include liver support therapy , including largepore haemofiltration and albumin exchange and dialysis , for liver failure and other types of toxicities , which consists in replacement of defective forms of albumin and albumin bound to bloodborne toxins with normal physiological protein . These therapeutic strategies can provide support to patients while they await liver transplantation or recovery from injury . 1
Despite its beneficial effects in different scenarios , intravenous administration of albumin may cause side effects such as circulatory failure or local allergic reactions , asthma , hypotension , nausea and vomiting , and oedema . 2 Nonetheless , its pleiotropic effects and non-oncotic properties such as immunodulation , antioxidation , and antiinflammatory activity provide the basis for its longterm use in patients with decompensated cirrhosis . Its effects were evaluated in this context in the ANSWER randomised clinical trial , where prolonged administration resulted in improved overall survival accompanied by a decreased rate of complications , and better quality of life for patients . However , these benefits were not confirmed in the MACHT study , which evaluated patients with cirrhosis awaiting liver transplantation . 16
Owing to its persistence in circulation and negligible immunological effect , albumin has been used as a stabiliser of other therapeutic proteins such as interferon , interleukin , and antibodies , and potentially can assume relevant roles in the targeted delivery of drugs . In cancer therapy , for example , albumin-bound chemotherapy agents are used in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer and have been tested for other types of malignancies . In addition , glycated albumin has the potential to function as an alternative biomarker for glycaemic control in patients with diabetes . 2
Conclusions Human albumin is the main determinant of plasma oncotic pressure and plays a pivotal role in modulating the distribution of fluids between compartments . Several clinical and experimental studies support the assumption that part of its therapeutic activity is also dependent on its nononcotic properties . As an important biological product used in clinical treatment , albumin has several indications supported by solid scientific evidence and shows potential in the improvement of drug delivery .
References 1 Rozga J et al . Human albumin : Old , new and emerging applications . Ann Transplant 2013 ; 18:205 – 17 . 2 Rabbani G , Ahn SN . Structure , enzymatic activities , glycation and therapeutic potential of human serum albumin : A natural cargo . Int J Biol Macromol 2019 ; 123:979 – 90 . 3 Lee P , Wu X . Review : modifications of human serum albumin and their binding effect . Curr Pharm Des 2015 ; 21:1862 – 5 . 4 Arroyo V , Fernandez J .
Pathophysiological basis of albumin use in cirrhosis . Ann Hepatol 2011 ; 10 ( Supp . 1 ): S6 – S14 . 5 Arroyo V , Garcia-Martinez R , Salvatella X . Human serum albumin , systemic inflammation , and cirrhosis . J Hepatol 2014 ; 61:396 – 407 . 6 Scheiner B et al . Acid-base disorders in liver disease . J Hepatol 2017 ; 67:1062 – 73 . 7 Kamada T et al . Albumin prevents erythrocyte crenation in patients undergoing extracorporeal circulation . Scand J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
1988 ; 22:155 – 8 . 8 Fisher J et al . Is heparinbinding protein inhibition a mechanism of albumin ’ s efficacy in human septic shock ? Crit Care Med 2018 ; 46 : e364-e374 . 9 Uchimido R et al . The glycocalyx : a novel diagnostic and therapeutic target in sepsis . Crit Care 2019 ; 23:16 . 10 Wheeler DS et al . The immunomodulatory effects of albumin in vitro and in vivo . Adv Pharmacol Sci 2011 ; 2011:691928 . 11 Aubin E et al .
Immunomodulatory effects of therapeutic preparations of human albumin . Vox Sang 2011 ; 101:131 – 7 . 12 Franch-Arcas G . The meaning of hypoalbuminaemia in clinical practice . Clin Nutr 2001 ; 20 : 265 – 9 . 13 Vincent JL et al . Hypoalbuminaemia in acute illness : is there a rationale for intervention ? A meta-analysis of cohort studies and controlled trials . Ann Surg 2003 ; 237 : 319 – 34 . 14 Liumbruno G et al .
Recommendations for the use of albumin and immunoglobulins . Blood Transfus 2009 ; 7:216 – 34 . 15 Amin AA et al . Epidemiology , pathophysiology and management of hepatorenal syndrome . Semin Nephrol 2019 ; 39 ; 17 – 30 . 16 Zaccherini G , Bernardi M . The role and indications of albumin in advanced liver disease . Acta Gastroenterol Belg 2019 ; 82:301 – 8 .
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